National Pollinator Week 2016


Pollination: (noun) the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.

National Pollinator Week is from June 20-26th this year! Do you enjoy a warm cup of coffee every morning? Then you need to celebrate pollinators with us this week!

Many of the foods we enjoy on a daily basis, including staples such as apples, bananas, chocolate, coffee, and almonds, rely on pollination for fertilization and growth. However, recent research continues to show that pollinator populations are in serious jeopardy. While you and many others may rejoice at the idea of having fewer insects flying around, bees and other pollinators are often keystone species that are crucial to our environment–They support healthy ecosystems that clean the air, stabilize soils, and support other wildlife. Without them, you wouldn’t just lose your cup of coffee, you’d lose one-third of your overall food supply.

“How important are pollinators? So important that President Obama issued a presidential memorandum asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop a strategy to combat their decline.” stated Brent Glasgow, a writer for Angie’s List. “Experts blame the pollinator decline on pests, pathogens, viruses, pesticides, bee management and fewer habitats. The federal plan calls for an increase in pollinator gardens nationwide, and you can help… With the right plants, you can create a sanctuary for insects critical to our food supply.”

Landscape Workshop designed, planted, and maintains a Holocaust Memorial Garden at the Levite Jewish Community Center (LJCC) in Birmingham, AL (refer to pictures below). The display of decorative butterflies and colorful flowers located in front of the main entrance of the LJCC is a pollinator garden, based on Pavel Friedman’s poem “The Butterfly.” The LJCC’s Executive Director, Betzy Lynch, said, “We wanted the memorial to be something hopeful and something living.” Birmingham Account Manager Josh Wilder completed research on which plants would attract pollinators and helped design and install the garden in the spring of 2015. Today, Landscape Workshop continues to take measures to spread important pollinator messaging to the community today–even speaking to young students in the local elementary school about the importance of pollinators and their impact on the environment.

Before choosing garden plants, check with your local landscaping service provider or garden shop for tips on which plants best suit your home. It’s also important to have a professional routinely check your plants for pests and viruses. “Landscapers definitely understand the importance of pollinators and what needs to be done to protect them,” said Missy Henriksen, Vice President of Public Affairs for the National Association of Landscape Professionals. “They love the environment and take its stewardship very seriously.”

If you have any questions, would like to know more about why you should install a pollinator garden at your home or commercial property, or for information on what to plant in your specific area, contact us! We’d be happy to help you make an impact on our environment.