The Intern Files | James Fritts

The spotlight today falls on Huntsville intern James Fritts. James studies Golf & Landscape Management at UT Martin. Driven and hard-working, James has fully embraced the opportunity to learn throughout his internship. As General Manager Braxton Ferguson says, “James’ attitude and willingness to do new things have impressed me and the field managers he has been placed with. He literally “hit the ground running” when he got here in mid- May. If you ask him to do something, he gets the information he needs and hustles to get it done. These qualities have led him to become proficient rapidly in irrigation repairs/diagnostics, maintenance activities, floriculture installations, and understanding how to lay out a floriculture design. This kind of cross training is invaluable in a small branch where you may be doing different things on a daily basis.”
How did you first become interested in the green industry?
Through my first job in high school, landscaping quickly became something I enjoyed and pursued with great passion.
Why did you decide to intern with LW?
I decided to intern with Landscape Workshop after talking with a professor who showed me a brochure that had been given to her by Elaine. I liked the potential I saw and made the phone call.
What is a typical day like?
I eat like a big boy, work like there’s work to be done and try to annoy Braxton with as many questions as I can.
What have you enjoyed most in your internship so far?
The people are good, and the system set up here is solid. I’ve learned a lot, and this is my passion. If I had to narrow it down, I would say it is always about the people you work around and how you learn to preform as a team.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far this summer?
The quality of the work you demonstrate can be the one thing that sets you apart from everyone else. Cheaper is not always better.
Share a fun fact about yourself.
I have a twin brother with whom I plan to start a landscaping business in the semi-near future after college.