New Year Goals – Landscape Edition

The leaves have fallen, the grass is sparse, and a flower in bloom is a rare sighting. January is here, ushering many of us indoors with its bitter temperatures and grey skies. Even so, property management remains in full swing. You may be asking yourself, “What needs to be done to a property where there is no grass to mow?” Account Manager Michael Ray explains why your property, believe it or not, should top the list of your New Year priorities.
Property Management Never Stops – For starters, caring for your property is a year-round necessity. Winter brings several key maintenance items, such as off-season pruning of ornamental grasses, knockout roses, perennials, liriope, and crepe myrtles, just to name a few. This is also the time to raise canopies and thin larger landscape trees. Finally, pre-emergent application to landscape beds is a must in order to minimize weed pressure that can arise throughout spring and summer. Handling these oft-overlooked elements this winter will start your property off on the right foot for 2019.
A Stunning Spring Lawn Takes Time – Secondly, spring planning starts now. We are all familiar with the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” This simple phrase highlights an important truth – next season’s success depends on how you prepare during the current one. If you are hoping to enjoy a gorgeous bed of roses this spring, you need to prepare for it now. To achieve that springtime burst of blooms, be sure to correctly prune your plants and follow up with a good dose of fertilizer, resulting in that much-anticipated pop of color down the road. If you skip this process, you may not see the full potential each plant has to offer.
A New Year Means Opportunity – Lastly, a new year presents opportunity for a fresh start. We often consider room for improvement and set goals to achieve. Why not take this same approach with your property? As you think through ways to enhance your outdoor space, Landscape Workshop is here to help put a plan in place and make your vision a reality in the year ahead.