Our Top Drainage Solutions for Commercial Landscapes


April showers bring…drainage issues? That’s right. After what seems like months of nonstop rain in the South, many of our customers’ properties have developed drainage problems. Why is that? Our enhancements expert, Jeremy Comer, explains, “Water tables in the soil are high due to the excessive rainfall. This causes water to sit closer to the grade of the land rather than percolate into the soil.” As a result, the soil profile becomes overly saturated, and water can’t drain properly. Jeremy warns, “When water pools on top of lawns and around plants, health issues arise.”

To avoid long-term damage to your lawn and plants, Jeremy recommends the following drainage solutions for your property:

  • French Drain: This underground trench filled with stone and a main pipe allows us to redirect the flow of water. Once installed, water will flow from the soil through the pipe and out to a new location. We usually install grass, mulch or pine straw on top of the French Drain, so it blends in well with the rest of the landscape, and often goes unnoticed
  • Surface Catch Basins: We connect these catch basins to underground pipes. They collect excess water and divert it to a new location on your property.
  • Dry Creek Beds: Dry creek beds are not only a practical solution, but we think they’re the most aesthetically pleasing, as well. These shallow ditches filled with stones of various sizes, act as a channel to carry rainfall and divert excess water.
  • Core Aeration: Soggy yards can often mean your soil is compacted. Core aeration breaks up compacted soil by creating holes and air pockets in your yard to help water percolate into the soil.