Landscape Workshop Recognized by the BBJ

We are thrilled to land at number 58 on the Birmingham Business Journal’s list of the city’s largest private companies. The Birmingham 100 List gives an annual look at economic trends in the metro area and ranks the top-producing private businesses based on revenue. This year’s results reveal increased sales across nearly every industry, with manufacturing businesses, industrial companies, and building and design firms performing especially well. Landscape Workshop is among the 80 percent majority on the list that saw revenue gains over the prior year, with annual revenue up from $35.1 million in 2017 to $42 million in 2018. This 20 percent increase in revenue exceeds the List average of 14 percent growth.
Thank you to Birmingham Business Journal for this recognition, and congratulations to fellow Birmingham 100 companies. Landscape Workshop is honored to be among this distinguished group!
To find out more about our Birmingham branch, click here. Also, an introduction to the BBJ article and the complete Birmingham 100 list can be found here.