The Intern Files | Bryce Abbott

Huntsville native Bryce Abbott is a rising junior at Auburn University, where is majoring in Horticulture. He is interning in the LW Huntsville branch this summer. General Manager Braxton Ferguson notes that Bryce has done a great job helping the team and has demonstrated a “can-do” attitude in all his work. We are glad to have him on the LW team this summer!
How did you become interested in the green industry?
I wanted to broaden my knowledge about all aspects of horticulture.
Why did you decide to intern with LW?
They are professional and share the same values as I do when it comes to landscaping.
What is a “typical” day like?
So far it’s mainly mowing, edging, weed eating, and blowing. I have done some floriculture and a small amount of irrigation repair.
What have you enjoyed most in your internship so far?
I’ve liked the irrigation and floriculture aspects the most so far.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far this summer?
How to manage a property and decide how to play to each worker’s strength.
If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Teleportation so I don’t have to drive anymore.