The Intern Files | Forrest Beasley

In today’s installment of The Intern Files, we introduce you to Gulf Coast intern Forrest Beasley. Forrest studies Landscape Architecture & Contracting and will soon be entering his final year of school at Mississippi State University. His drive, work ethic, and willingness to get his hands dirty have made Forrest a tremendous asset to the team this summer.
How did you first become interested in the green industry?
I have been involved in landscape maintenance since I was young. Through Mississippi State University I obtained company contacts and knowledge in the green industry.
Why did you decide to intern with LW?
The location of the Gulf Coast branch in Foley, Alabama was perfect for me. After graduation, I plan to be near the Alabama Gulf Coast.
What is a “typical” day like?
A typical day would be to arrive at the shop by 6:30 to load the truck up with water, tools, and machines. Most of these tools would depend on the required tasks that day. Throughout the day, we visit many properties, completing each thoroughly. While doing maintenance, each crew has a set number of specific properties each day, so the week becomes a routine. Each laborer knows their job when arriving to a property. Once the jobs are complete, we arrive back at the shop to clean out the truck and refuel. Each day is a new experience.
What have you enjoyed most in your internship?
I enjoyed the irrigation and lighting jobs that I have been a part of. I would like to specialize in each after graduation. I see the industry’s need for irrigation and lighting knowledge.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned this summer?
Maintaining something that has been installed poorly is always difficult.
Share a fun fact about yourself.
If I’m not working then I’m probably fishing.