The Intern Files | Makahla Holloway

Birmingham intern Makahla Holloway attends Mississippi State University, where she studies Landscape Contracting & Architecture. In her internship so far, she has experienced working in seasonal color, maintenance, and irrigation, with irrigation being her favorite. Her mentor for the summer, Senior Account Manager Michael Ray, notes that her positive attitude and desire to learn have allowed her to make great progress and will continue to serve her well.
How did you become interested in the green industry?
I have always loved the outdoors and knew that I wanted to be outside working in the environment.
Why did you decide to intern with LW?
I was referred to Landscape Workshop by various people and had heard good things about the company. Once I looked further into them I could tell by their hard work and wonderful people skills that it was where I wanted to be.
What is a “typical” day like?
Every couple weeks are different since I am working with each part of the company, but our mornings always start out with group stretches to get our blood flowing before we start work. We hit the road and go from house to house completing each job until we’re finished for the day.
What have you enjoyed most in your internship so far?
I have worked with the majority of the company so far and have gotten to know a lot of the workers here. One thing that has always stood out to me is their eagerness to work and their kindness. Landscape Workshop has always made me feel welcome and has never made me feel like I was just an intern. I am treated equally like them, and that has really made a difference.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned so far this summer?
Time management is important. Even though this is something I already know with being in school, it’s very prominent when working in this field.
Share a fun fact about yourself.
I am on the Famous Maroon Band’s Drumline at Mississippi State University.