Why Hiring a Commercial Landscape Maintenance Company Is A Good Idea  

Why Hiring a Commercial Landscape Maintenance Company Is A Good Idea  

Hiring a commercial landscape company will give your business a visual appeal, ultimately attracting more clients. Contact Landscape Workshop to schedule a service.  Why Hiring a Commercial Landscape Maintenance Company Is A Good Idea   One of the most vital parts of a business is curb appeal. A business that looks well-maintained from the outside is naturally more likely to attract…


5 Best Practices For A Neighborhood Entrance

First impressions can make or break a good reputation. The perception a neighborhood has is no exception. We at Landscape Workshop have compiled the best ways to ensure that your neighborhood’s entrance is putting its best foot forward. 5 Best Practices For A Neighborhood Entrance Landscaping is the first thing people notice about a possible home. If the neighborhood entrance’s…


Warm Season Vs. Cold Season Grasses

Whether you’re new to home ownership or a seasoned one, you may not be aware that there is a difference between warm-season and cold-season grasses. To the untrained person, all grass is just grass. However, there is more to turfgrass than meets the eye. Grass is very important in commercial landscaping. Warm Season Vs. Cold Season Grasses As the seasons…


5 Problems Dead Trees Cause In Commercial Landscaping

Trees are absolutely crucial for commercial landscaping. They give the property an inviting look and attract more people. But they need proper maintenance. That means you’ll have to take care of the regular pruning, their health, and whatever else is necessary to keep the trees alive and well. Landscape Workshop can help you with any dead trees on your commercial…